Protecting your organisation from cyber-attack is becoming more challenging as threats increase in number and sophistication. A layered approach to security is vital.
While regularly updated antivirus software is effective against many known threats, it cannot cover all aspects of your business’s cyber security.
Multiple layers of risk require multiple layers of defence.
A secure gateway device can provide protection from external threats (hackers and scammers) as well as reducing the risk of undesirable actions from internal sources (e.g. employees visiting dangerous websites). It is an essential element of your cybersecurity strategy.
The growing cyber threat
Recent years have seen a sharp increase in the number and sophistication of cyber attacks. Phishing attacks have become more convincing, and the National Cyber Security Centre has stated that “Ransomware is the biggest cyber threat to the UK today”.
Scammers are actively scanning internet lines, looking for weaknesses they can exploit to gain access to systems.
With constant connection to the internet there is a constant risk of attack.
Businesses cannot afford to risk a breach.
How a layered defence provides better protection
With the different types of risk, and the different types of cyber attack, there is no single product that can provide complete protection.
The best strategy is to use several tools that provide different and overlapping protection to minimise the chance of an attack getting through.
This proactive approach to internet security means that if a threat penetrates one line of defence, another layer can stop it.
Gateway Security
At the boundary of your network, where it meets the internet, a secure web gateway (or SWG) can monitor and stop malicious activities.
By inspecting and filtering web traffic entering and leaving the organisation, it protects against attacks from the outside as well as some user errors (e.g. an employee clicking on a dodgy link). It can block incoming malware and prevent data leaks.
Where scammers scan for networks they can breach, a secure gateway will reduce their ability to locate and attack devices on the network, blocking attacks and preventing breaches.
Your gateway security measures can protect you from certain risky user behaviour too. If an employee lands on a malicious website (or even a genuine website that has been hacked and infected), the SWG will scan incoming traffic and prevent viruses or trojans reaching your network.
The gateway can be configured to restrict access to undesirable websites, protecting the user and the business from cyber attack and/or legal action. For example, you could block access to gambling sites, pornography and drug related sites. Businesses in some industries may also wish to block access to certain social media sites.
This type of protection can be particularly reassuring for a business with an on-site server. Protecting the server, and the data on it, is particularly important (and increasingly challenging in an always connected environment). A server is a prime target for cybercriminals, whether to gain access to data or to ransomware it.
You wouldn’t let a stranger walk through your offices and go through your files – gateway security is designed to allow only authorised web traffic.
The case for better cybersecurity
Cyber breaches come with a high cost in money, time and reputation. Businesses are finding that they need to do more to protect themselves from the growing risk of attack.
To provide your organisation with the best protection from cyber attack, your security strategy needs to include measures for every layer.
If you have devices, users or data located on site, that site should be protected by a dedicated secure gateway device.
A secure gateway can prevent malware accessing your network, prevent access to dangerous websites, and prevent data leakage.
To discuss the type of gateway security that is right for your organisation Contact us.